Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sixteen Military Wives

...You knew it was coming!

So my precious little eyes were not having the sun at all on day 16... So I decided to rock the stunna shades. Something else that wasn't cooperating at all was my chair. It decided to come completely unbound on me as soon as it got a look at my *ahem* well-endowed derriere. We'll see if the other one I've got is as cowardly.

In other news, I just got back from yoga (I do yoga now, isn't that just boss?!) and I feel GREAT! Not like last week when I had a perpetual knot in my stomach and the only thing I could focus on was someone not deserving of any thoughts at all. But this week, well this week I kicked ass and took names and then in Corpse Pose I let all of the ridiculousness of the last few weeks die a quiet death.

"And the anchorperson on TV goes...
La de da de da de-dadedade-da
La de da de da de-dadedade-da
La de da de da de-dadedade-da-dedadeda-de de dadede-daaaaa!!"

Blazer: H&M, Top: Anthropologie, Jeans: James Jeans,
Shoes & Watch: Target,  Necklace: Modcloth,
Glasses: RX Ralph Lauren

This is what happens when chairs don't cooperate.
I make strange "I just ate a lemon" faces.

Still rockin the octopus necklace despite my current
 annoyance with all things associated with that animal
(no offense to actual octopi however)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

fifteen sordid wretched checkered lives

blurry :(

Decemberists again... Sounds much more cynical and annoyed than I actually am. I'm actually in a great mood today despite having my shoulder hurting like hell, and having NO energy to train the last few days, ugh. It's a good thing my triathlon isn't until October...

Blazer: Macy's, Dress: Forever 21, Belt: Thrifted,
Earrings: Target, Shoes: Payless

Fourteen Cannibal Kings

From The Decemberists - Sixteen Military Wives... be ready for this song to appear multiple times in the next few days!!

Unlike the last time I wore this skirt, I LOVE this outfit! I've always had a quirky way of putting an outfit together, and with the 30 for 30 Remix, I've created a few opportunities to go crazy quirky. Sometimes it flops, but sometimes, like RIGHT NOW, it works brilliantly! Plus who couldn't be happy with such a cute little robot around their neck?! Not this lady!

Blazer: H&M, Shirt & Skirt: Anthropologie,  Shoes: Payless,
Bracelet & Necklace: Forever 21, Ring: Modcloth

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Haunting at 1300 Mckinley

Band I just found out about recently... The Black Angels. Definitely worth a listen!

I've decided to devote one post a week to my top 5 things that I'm glad exist. So here they are...

In no particular order

black licorice
recordings of tribal music from Madagascar
rubber bristle brooms
British accents

Top: Modcloth, Jeans: James Jeans,
Shoes: TOMS, Necklace: H&M, Ring: Target

Hey Ma, look what I can do!

Rainy Day Women #12 and 35

Finally got some Dylan into the mix!!

Super 8 & Coffee Date outfit. Pretty good for a moment's notice, I'd say. I also like that my grass has erupted into random yellow flowers. Some may call them weeds, I call them gifts.

Top: Urban Outfitters, Skirt: Anthropologie,
Shoes: Payless, Earrings: Two's Co

Monday, June 27, 2011

Love and War (11/11/46)

"all is fair in love, and we're in love
now that everybody's dead we can finally talk
can vanity and happiness co-exist?
all the lovers we've taken in direct view of the enemy
and we shift each other's body to accept the bullet
and continue the pleasure it's the treasures of battle
its only for the for the wounded, the purple hearted"
Rilo Kiley

Holy 3 posts in a day, Batman!

Shirt & Shorts: Anthropologie, Shoes: Payless.
Earrings: Two's Co.

No, that's not a fashion accessory... It's KT tape for my
rotator cuff, oh the joys of getting back in the pool and
starting training again!

Ten Women Between You and Me

Felt this song by Conor Oberst was fitting for my recent dating dramas...

Let's get right to it. Number 10, keeping it quirky and classy with a pretty dress and TOMS. Thought I'd mix it up a bit!

Cardi: Target, Dress: Anthropologie, Shoes: TOMS

Ninety Nine and a Half Just Won't Do

This weekend started out with a lot of angst, anger and confusion. Then things got pretty good, saw Super 8 (which was damn good cinema), listened to some AMAZING music on vinyl that I've never even thought about listening to, and had some pleasant conversation.

Then my world almost crashed down on me this morning, when I realized I'd been played for a fool for the last couple months. In my rage I considered sending a carefully worded, nasty little message asking if this particular person was completely full of shit, or just partially. Then I realized I don't really care. Well I do, but not enough for them to know that they got to me, and honestly, after the super nice weekend I had, nothing could really bother me that much. Some people just aren't worth the tears, anger, and angst. Good riddance. 

everyone could use a little CCR in their lives haha!

Top: Anthropologie, Jeans: Gap, Belt: Windsor,
Earrings: Charlotte Russe, Ring: Two's Co, Shoes: Blowfish

Friday, June 24, 2011

Interstate 8

Modest Mouse yo.

I'm adopting a new Mantra, from The Good Life's "Inmates" a brilliant song I've had on repeat for over a week and should be a part of anybody's breakup/heartache playlist. It's one of those songs that you can't help cry and sing (or yell) to.
"Life is a series of calluses, this is just another layer. So, build’em up, tough it out, yeah, that’s your skin – don’t let anyone under there."

In other news: you might be a cat lady if...
You own a dress with watercolored cats on it.

Top & Dress: Anthropologie, Belt: Modcloth,
Accessories: Had too long to remember!

Standard Bitter Love Song #7

Perfect Song Title courtesy of The Mountain Goats

Yeah so I'm in a shitty mood. Shitty. I'm in the middle of a serious mindfuck right now (you can tell I'm angry because of the gratuitous dirty language) and I don't like it at all. I'd like to think of myself as a reasonable individual, but reliving my memories of my 7th grade "boyfriend" who, instead of breaking up with me, would literally run across campus when I would get near him, is not my idea of a good time. I was in a serious relationship for so long, that now that I'm back in the dating scene, I realize it's like swimming with sharks (or maybe with cute, innocent looking, highly poisonous jellyfish). So before I go on a rant and make some bad decisions...Here's number 7!!!

I don't like this outfit. I had it planned out days before, and knew as soon as I put it on, I didn't like it. The skirt has cream, the shirt, white, and it's just not working. Oh well, we can't be remix geniuses everyday!

Top & Skirt: Anthropologie, Shoes: Blowfish (Zappos),
Bracelet: Forever 21, Earrings: Target

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Six Demon Bag

I am a planner. I am a list-maker. I think that's why not too many of my projects and ideas are seen through to fruition. I get stuck because I can't finish Item A, so I can't move on to Item B, or C, etc. I'm also a bit of a control freak (it kind of weirds me out to say that, I'm just finally admitting it to myself). As long as things are done my way, and I'm in control, I feel nothing bad can happen.

I'm now realizing the flaws in my reasoning. I'm finally recognizing that I can't control everything, and even if I could, bad or uncomfortable things would still happen. I'm trying to accept the un-knowable, the uncontrollable, the chaos. I know that right now there is no quick fix to what is happening in my life--it's going to take time and effort and the ability to let things go and let them happen as they will. Embrace the spontaneity of life, the fun moments, don't stress and worry about what may or may not come next, and don't try to will things to work out exactly the way I want them.

At least that's how I felt this morning... I tried for days to keep this mentality, but as the minutes tick by and uncertainty, doubt, and rejection take their hold it's extremely hard. I just want to know what the hell is up. I wish I had a Six Demon Bag right now (title from a Man Man Album, but comes from Big Trouble in Little China apparently). Basically it refers to having something that will kick ass and take names. Where do I buy this so-named bag, and does it come in red?

Blazer: Macy's, Top & Bracelet: Urban Outfitters,
Skirt: Anthropologie, Shoes: Payless, Necklace: Modcloth

The First Five Times

Song title by Stars--cute yet raunchy at the same time! Not like this outfit--it's just cute (or at least I think so!) This was my Father's day outfit, a mix of both casual and a little sophisticated. My brother had a BBQ at his house for the holiday, and he also brewed up some beer on his super awesome mini-brewhouse (pics to follow on a later post!) All in all it was a beautiful day!

(This is my "it's too early" face)
Blazer: H&M, Tank: Target, Jeans: James Jeans,
Shoes: Target, Necklace: Two's Co

Monday, June 20, 2011

Com-four-tably Numb

I'm a no-good, lousy cheater. The other day my FIRST EVER pair of TOMS came in the mail. I couldn't help but add them to the wardrobe, even if it means I have 31 pieces. I'm sorry, I really am. Maybe I'll do 31 outfits to make up for the fact that I now can rotate between 7(!) pairs of shoes (I really like shoes). Maybe.
Easy, comfortable Saturday clothes are the best ever. I made sure when picking out my 30 pieces there was a way for me to keep my easy weekend clothes incorporated. I'm so obsessed with this shirt right now, it's a bit unhealthy. One of these days I'll get a decent pic of the back--cause the awesomeness just gets better round back.

Top: LOFT, Shorts: repurposed jeans, Shoes: TOMS,
Necklace: H&M